The Dopey Challenge–4 races, 4 days, 48.6 miles–was an amazing way to start 2020! We had been training most of 2019 to prepare for the race, including completing several half marathons, some shorter races, and hundreds of miles of training. Our last 80-100 miles of training was in November and December in Colorado, so we experienced some rather cold weather. This would prove to be a challenge to us, as we found ourselves racing in HOT weather (above average for Florida) and not at all what we had trained in. The last day–the marathon–the heat rose to about 85 degrees and just as much humidity. Sadly, they had several runners pass out and need emergency care, and some were cut short on the course by a mile to allow runners to finish safely.
Pre-races, it was quite a challenge to not spend too much time at the parks (it was so tempting!), but with a 3:30 a.m. alarm every every morning to get on the bus for our race, it was quite necessary to be cautious. The last race — the marathon — had a bus time of 2:30 a.m., an hour earlier. (Did I mention the heat? It was already 75 degrees by the start time, and so humid I watched one woman pass out in the parking lot before we even started).
It was a great accomplishment in our 48th year of life, and was a great start to 2020.
Our running dropped off in February–I was sick with likely covid within a few days of our return, and we were recovering overall from our big races. By mid-February, we needed another goal, so we signed up for the St. Paddy’s 7K for St Patrick’s Day weekend.
Of course, with the forced shutdowns and regulations, it didn’t happen. Instead, we ran it virtually in May after it was finally decided the government wouldn’t let us run in person for many more months. We started in a local parking lot and ran our 7K in an out-and-back into the state park; two of our girls biked to the turn-around to provide us with hydration, and two of our girls were at the finish with the medals (the race had mailed us the medals since we couldn’t meet in person). Now just look at these dorks! 😉
After the shutdown, our second half marathon of the year was cancelled (Revel Rockies). It was supposed to be the first weekend in June—and is our favorite yearly race. We decided with the unpredictability of the government, we wouldn’t sign up for fall races this year.
Sadly, the only other live race we were able to run in 2020 was the Christmas Sweater 5k at Washington Park In December just before Christmas. I ran at 8 am, hubby ran at 8:30 am with the fast group (and placed third age group), and since hubby had to go to work, I stayed and walked/ran the course again with friends at 9:30 a.m. It was a planned brunch day with the ladies, so we had brunch at my house.
In spite of the government shutdowns, we still managed to get some other physical challenge bucket list items done, and I will put those in another post for 2020.