The morning was chilly, but beautiful! It warmed up quickly at the start, and was rather warm at the finish.
Hubby and I ran the 10k. We started at 8:30.

The girls started at 8:45 am for the 5K. There was a deal made that if they beat S to the finish line, they would get lunch and ice cream. Their goal was to beat 30 minutes, and came in close.
I’m the slow poke of the bunch. They finish close together with the 15 minute head start on the 10k, but I come in quite a time later. I ran a decent race for me, but I missed last year’s finish by 50 seconds.

The girls were disappointed they didn’t break 30 minutes, but they both placed in their age groups: J was 2nd in the 13-19 age group at 32:31 and S was 3rd in her 0-12 age group at 31:12. Both shaved time off their finish last year. S placed 2nd in his age group again this year.

The first race of the year is always humbling and makes me realize how much work I have to do before my first half marathon.

Happy Running all!