{Field Experience} Christmas Choir Concert

We started attended our Church memorial weekend. I felt desperate to find a church again–after leaving our last church for “going woke” and dismissing actual biblical theology–and we started feeling isolated and without church family.

Within weeks of finding the church, the girls had volunteered for VBS (and it was one of the best-run VBS camps the girls had ever participated in, or volunteered for) and then the church Music Retreat was announced. A and C both really wanted to attend, and they are now a part of the choir.

This is from their concert a week ago. I have to say, I have seen such a positive change in them since getting involved in THIS church. They are so happy with the friendships and mentors and the opportunities it has offered them.

In a short 7 months, we have really grown in love for our church family. It is a biblically sound church, and one of the few churches today that doesn’t go day to day living in fear because HE commands us not to. We love, we hug, we gather in fellowship, we support, and we educate each other about truth. They are the most welcoming family I have ever felt, but a family that believes you must live in biblical truth as a form of love, and you must resist that which is not biblical (which is hard to do in today’s culture).

The young people are very involved in the church. It’s not a large church: in total about 400 people. Our youth group (grades 7-12) sees 30-40 youth every week. There are 40+ people that show up for women’s bible study alone on a Tuesday morning, and the same amount for the Sunday bible study. Most congregants don’t just show up for service and leave; many, many are involved in every aspect.

In the seven months we have been at this church: Three of my girls volunteered for week-long VBS (and for the youngest, it was her last year participating in VBS), we went to a church BBQ (our first day attending!), we participated in a Cornhole tournament and potluck, had a full Thanksgiving Meal with 150 other congregants, attended men’s and women’s and youth Christmas parties, the older girls went to summer camp in New Mexico, and volunteered for several church projects. While most churches are hiding at home behind online services, ours is still acting like a body of Christ in fellowship.

I truly hope, this season, you are at a biblical church that sees you as family. This is truly the time to find your people as the testing has just begun.

“In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter: 6-7