{10th anniv} we are on the ship!

We hit the pool early this morning for an hour, then packed for the ship. Our ride was rather easy, and checking in to board was very streamlined. We hit our muster station, and headed for the buffet. It was 12:30 pm and we hadn’t eaten yet.

The buffet was okay, I had some chicken, Tikka masala, salad and a different chicken.

Our rooms were then ready, and we’ve been hanging out in our room calling the girls for awhile.

This is how “little one” FaceTimes with us most times.

My new shoes are a little snug. Oops. I needed an 11 1/2, but they are 11. This could be fun breaking them in.

I don’t know how my feet got so big, aside from running and having 5 babies, but I started at a 9 1/2-10 ! My feet are swollen today, even though I tried not to eat poorly the last two days. The tight shoes aren’t helping. I suppose the humidity could be helping. It’s weird to always live at altitude and never have my feet swell (except at 7-9 months pregnant) and here I am with swollen feet.

Our neighbors next to us sound Vietnamese, maybe Cambodian, and the woman has a very loud voice! I understand nothing, but remembering my friends growing up, one from Cambodia and one from Vietnam, the language sounds harsher than English, but it’s just the sounds.

Our veranda is pretty spacious. They zip tied the chairs upright so we can’t lay down and nap.

We are waiting on our luggage to arrive so I can put more comfortable shoes on. We shove off in an hour, and we want to watch from our veranda. The Chargers play football at 4 pm, so we are hoping for a table available for us to watch in the sports bar, but we are not holding our breath…we saw many groups all decked out in Chiefs gear!

We are hoping the wireless works okay, if not, we will be in American ports two different days (Puerto Rico and St Thomas) to upload.

I am feeling a little to peopley right now, I’m hoping a little quiet will help me want to engage with so many people. I used to be a crazy party girl (sort of, not the alcohol side of it, just the dancing at clubs, hanging out with people, being extroverted) but I tend to more introverted these days.

The Goodyear blimp just passed as I was writing this. Here’s a photo.

Have a blessed day!
