{10th anniv} We are here!

We made it to Fort Lauderdale. The flight wasn’t bad. We watched the new Ghostbusters movie on our way, and half slept. The guy in front of me was stinky.

This is why I like road trips. My kids, if they stink in the car, I can fix the problem! I already have a bionic nose, and so many people around me were stinky today. We spent 5 hours on the plane today, and most of it was near stinky old men.

Don’t get me wrong, I have compassion for them. I know it gets harder to be clean when you are old, but stuffed in a sardine can doesn’t help.

By the time we landed, I hadn’t gone to the loo in many hours. I’m shocked I made it that far.

We took a shuttle to our hotel. Hubby picked a very nice hotel with a tiny little balcony.

The hotel gave us a free drink, so we are sipping a seltzer on the balcony.

We had dinner at a cool taco restaurant just a couple blocks away. We took the long route to get there (a mile round trip) because we realized the restaurant we were going to try isn’t there! We hadn’t eaten in almost 10 hours by then and we were so hungry!

They are known for their red velvet cake.

Velvet Taco was so good!

We are now chilling like old people.

Downtown waterfront area is hopping tonight! We wanted to go to Howl at the Moon, but they postponed their opening a month, so no luck.

Tomorrow, Shane’s best friend (and best man at our wedding) is driving up to watch the Navy v. Notre Dame game, and then a good seafood dinner for my birthday.

Peace out peeps! Hope you are having a wonderful Friday.
